Mattflix is a private media server, allowing you to watch all your favorite TV/Movies. It is a labor of love.

Jellyfin is a truly open source media server. It's more straightforward than Plex, but with less bells-and-whistles, and might have spotty device support.

  • Totally free!
  • No screwing around with Plex's VC nonsense.
  • Has books and an e-reader!
  • Iffy device support. May or may not work on your TV.
  • Can't reliably cast

Mobile or Tablet

  1. Download the Android or iOS app using the links above.
  2. Set the server as
  3. Login with your provided credentials.


  1. Click the link above or go to
  2. Login with your provided credentials.


This can be iffy. It works on my Vizio TV and my Android TV, but not sure it'll support every TV.

  1. Look for the Jellyfin app on your TV's App Store or go to Jellyfin's device list to find it.
  2. Set the server as
  3. Login with your provided credentials.

Two Ways to Watch

Plex is the gold standard of media servers. It supports every device and has lots of features, but they are getting "VC-ified", so it's not free and they'll try to sell you on their other services.

    • Lots of device support, will probably work on your TV.
    • Lots of bells-and-whistles; excellent subtitles, trailers, recommendations, etc.
    • Annoying UI... very VC-ified.
    • Not free. They charge $5/month or $125 one-time fee.

Sign Up for a Plex Account

  1. Sign up for a Plex account here.
  2. You have to pay Plex $5/mo or $125 one-time to watch on mobile phone or tablets. Jellyfin is free if you don't want to pay.
  3. Let Matt know the email you signed up with, he'll add you to the library.

Mobile or Tablet

  1. You must have a Plex Pro account.
  2. Download the Android or iOS app using the links above.
  3. Login with your Plex Account. Look for the server "inara" in libraries.


  1. Click the link above.
  2. Login with your Plex Account. Look for the server "inara" in libraries.


  1. Look for the Plex app on your TV's App Store or go to Plex's device list to find it.
  2. Login with your Plex Account. Look for the server "inara" in libraries.